Study plan


Study plan has to be presented by the students before summer holidays of the first academic year.


The study plan has to be submitted via email to the president of the master degree and CC to teaching secretary office (addresses stefano dot giordano, marco dot danelutto and rosaria dot mongini at unipi dot it) filling this Form.

The rules to complete the study plans may be summarized as follow (see also this slides).

Students must choose:

  • 2 exams for a total of 12 credits picked up from the list below
  • 1 exams for a total of 9 credits as “free choice” (any exam given at the Univ. of Pisa, usually also taken from the list below. In case it is not taken from the list, then the free choice must be officially approved by the Master committee)

Students are free to present a study plan not obeying these rules, but the study plan has to be approved. The study plans respecting the rules above will be automatically approved, instead.


Students may consider including in the study plan the exams from the list below. This year we have run the presentation of the non mandatory courses on June 16th, on teams. Recording of the session is available through this link. The following LINK will point to the material presented at the meeting given on June 16th.

The exams to use to fill the study plan this year include:

Code Name Credits Semester Professor
571AA Parallel scientific computing 6 2 Gemignani/Del Corso
261AA Peer to Peer Systems and Blockchains 6 2 Ricci
295AA Business process modeling 6 1 Bruni
375AA Principles for software composition 9 2 Bruni
581II Routing Architectures and Protocols Lab 6 1 Adami
714AA Language-based technology for security 9 2 Ferrari/Bodei
145II Packet switching and processing architectures 6 2 Procissi
1149I Complex Information Systems and Vertical Applications 6 1 P. Pagano
764AA Data center design and operation lab 6 2 Davini <<< Not available this year
534AA Distributed enabling platforms 6 2 Dazzi
303AA ICT risk assessment 9 2 Baiardi
289AA Information Retrieval 6 2 Ferragina
535AA Programming tools for parallel and distributed systems 9 2 Coppola