Study plans

This page reports deadlines and modalities for presenting and for modifying the study plan.

Deadlines for presenting and for modifying study plans

1. All students enrolled in the Master Degree in Data Science and Business Informatics shall submit their study plan for approval by the board of study program (Consiglio di Corso di Studi).
2. Students enrolled for the first time shall present the study plan within one month from formal enrollment (the month of August does not count).
3. Students enrolled for A.Y. “N”/“N+1” can submit changes to the study plan during the period from 1 September of year “N” to 31 January of year “N+1”. Approved changes will be in force starting from A.Y. “N”/“N+1”.

Exceptions to those deadlines and conditions are admitted for students participating in international mobility programs (ERASMUS, double degree, etc.) or for other exceptional cases.

How to submit your study plan

Each student proposes a draft study plan following the study plan rules of the Master degree program. The Excel schema of the draft are the following:

The draft study plan must be submitted by filling this form.

How to change your study plan

Changes can be made in the period from 1 September to 31 January by filling this form.


Study plan commission: prof. Antonio Frangioni