Master programme in Data Science and Business Informatics


The two year graduate program in Data Science and Business Informatics has been designed to meet the growing demand for professionals with an interdisciplinary skill both in informatics and in business to satisfy the increasing demand by companies to compete using analytics methods. The graduate program is focused on Business Intelligence and Data Science techniques to support decision making. The graduate program is an interclass program satisfying both LM-18 Informatica and LM-DATA Data Science classification of Italian study programs.

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Study plan rules (“Regolamento”) and students’ guide
(new)  Starting from Academic Year 2024/2025  (new)

Enrollment for foreign students

Foreign students can find all the relevant information for enrolling in the following page:

Telegram channel

A Telegram channel dedicated to graduate students has been activated:

Latest news

Career Labs 2024 – nuovo ciclo!

Dal 9 aprile 2024 ripartono i Career Labs del Career Service di Ateneo, laboratori interattivi per aiutarti a sviluppare lo spirito di intraprendenza e ad iniziare a progettare il tuo futuro…


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