September 2021 appeal

In accordance with the resolution of the Senato Accademico and the Consiglio di Amministrazione of the University of Pisa meeting on Monday 28 June in a joint session, compatibly with the availability of adequate spaces, some of the courses will carry out their September session “in person”, while others “At a distance”.

In any case, all information will be specified on the page of the individual courses on the portal. (In case of lack of information, please contact the reference teacher).

At the following link you can access a prospectus that summarizes the procedures for carrying out the September exams for each course (grouped by course of study):

September 2021 appeal prospectus

NOTE: for exams that require “attendance”, the student can request a “remote” course in the cases provided for by the resolution of the S.A. and C.A. of 28/06/21: “There are exceptions for protected categories (students with disabilities, health reasons and reasons of force majeure related to the health emergency”). The student will be able to self-certify the situation in which he finds himself using a form to be filled in when registering for the exam (all instructions will be available on the portal).