Calcolo del voto di laurea

Without prejudice to the prerogatives of the graduation commission law, the methods for calculating the degree mark are as follows:

  1. The educational activities with a mark, present in the approved study plan, contribute to forming a weighted average which is transformed into one hundred and ten, rounding it to the nearest whole
    The activities without marks and those not included in the study plan do not contribute to this average, as well as supernumerary credits (crediti sovrannumerari).
    In the calculation of the average the exams with honors are evaluated 32/30.
  2. The final test does not contribute to the average, but is assessed collectively by the Graduation Commission to determine an increase that can go from 1 to 7 points, considering both the quality and the originality of the thesis, both the oral presentation and the candidate’s overall curriculum.
  3. If the sum S of the rounded average and of the increase:
  • is less than or equal to 110, S is the graduation grade;
  • is equal to 111, the graduation grade is 110;
  • is greater than or equal to 112 and the candidate has obtained less than 5 points of increase for the final examination, the graduation grade is 110;
  • is greater than or equal to 112 and the candidate has obtained at least 5 points of increase for the final examination, the graduation grade is 110 with honors.