List of courses

Elenco corsi, a.a. 2011/2012

Code Code Year of course Type Credits Sem Titolo
008AA AlL 1 Fundamental 12 2 Algorithmics and laboratory
414AA AD 2 Complementary 6 2 Data analysis
Borrowed from:
    Data analysis
129PP AP 1 Complementary 6 2 Analisi dei processi
Borrowed from:
416AA ARI 1 Complementary 6 2 ICT risk analysis
Borrowed from:
303AA   ICT risk assessment
417AA APA 2 Fundamental 12 1-2 Business perfomance analysis
265PP AGC 2 Complementary 9 2 Analisi e gestione dei costi
202PP ARM 2 Complementary 9 2 Analysis and marketing research
244AA BD 1 Fundamental 6 1 Principles of Data Bases - Courses: (A, B)
411AA BSA 1 Complementary 6 2 Database structures and algorithms
420AA DM 1 Fundamental 12 1-2 Data Mining
156NN Dil 1 12 1-2 Diritto commerciale internazionale e del lavoro
058NN DIR 2 Complementary 6 2 Computer law
Borrowed from:
    - Corso A
018PP EA2 2 Complementary 9 1 Business Administration
049PP EGI 2 Complementary 9 2 Economia e gestione delle imprese - Courses: (A, B)
149PP EP 1 Fundamental 9 2 Microeconomics
Borrowed from:
494II Gip 1 6 1 Gestione dell'innovazione e dei progetti
190NN GT 2 6 1 Governo del territorio
271AA IS 2 Complementary 6 1 Software Engineering - Courses: (A, B)
422AA IAB 2 Complementary 6 2 Artificial Intelligence: basic techniques
Borrowed from:
252AA   Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
253AA LAI 2 Complementary 6 2 Programming Internet Applications
254AA LBD 1 Complementary 6 2 Database laboratory
009AA LpP 2 Complementary 6 1 Logic of Programs - Courses: (A, B)
255AA LOG 1 Fundamental 6 1 Introduction to logistics
308PP MKI 2 6 2 Marketing dei servizi industriali
006AA MD 1 Fundamental 12 1-2 Discrete Mathematics
499AA Msl 1 6 2 Modelli per le decisioni dei sistemi logistici
065PP MOP 1 Complementary 6 2 Modelli probabilistici per le decisioni economiche ed aziendali
096PP OA 2 Complementary 6 2 Business organization
278PP PCG 2 Complementary 9 1 Planning and management control
001AI Pal 1 12 1-2 Programming and algorithms
007AA PRL 1 Fundamental 12 1 Introduction to programming. - Courses: (A, B)
274AA RCL 2 Complementary 12 1-2 Introduction to networking: theory and practice - Courses: (A, B)
002AI RS 2 12 1-2 Networks and services
384AA RMC 1 Complementary 6 2 Cellular Mobile Networks
029AA RO 1 Interdisciplinar 6 2 Mathematical programming
259AA SIM 1 Complementary 6 2 Simulation Modelling and Analysis
001IA SSD 2 12 1-2 Sistemi informatici di supporto alle decisioni
426AA SID 1 Fundamental 12 1-2 Decision Support Information Systems
002IA Sio 1 12 1-2 Sistemi informatici operazionali
156PP SIG 2 Complementary 6 2 Sistemi Informativi Gestionali
260AA SIT 1 Complementary 6 1 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
261AA P2P 1 Complementary 6 2 Peer to peer systems and blockchains
427AA WMR 2 Complementary 6 2 Web Mining and Social Network Analysis