Calls for students

The active calls for part-time collaboration are:

Calls for tutor di accoglienza:

These calls are for students who offer their support to firts year students, to help them with the academic world.

  1. Call a.y. 2024/2025 
    • Deadline: 23/07/2024  ore 12.00
    • Link to the call: click here

Calls for tutor alla pari:

These calls are for students who offer their support to other students to facilitate communication with university staff and offices.

  1. Call a.y. 2024/2025 
    • Deadline: 23/07/2024  ore 12.00
    • Link to the call: click here

Calls for Calls for tutors at Orientation salons:

TThese calls are for students to offer their expertise as tutors and speakers at orientation salons (PNRR funds) located on various venues in Italy.

Calls for teaching assistants (aka didattica sussidiaria):

These calls are for students who offer their skills to younger colleagues in the study of a specific course.

Calls for tutori counseling:

These calls are for students who offer a support to fellow students, to prevent and resolve difficult situations that may arise.