Master Programme in Computer Science and networking


The 2-year Master Programme in Computer Science and Networking (entirely given in English) has been designed to meet the growing demand for an emerging kind of professionals with high-level expertise in both a) computer and information science and technologies, and b) communication networking science and technologies.
This expertise is needed in the recent development of the Future Internet domain were parallel and distributed processing is integrated with communication and storage functions. The Master is a “full stack” proposal covering recent development such as Software Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization that are characterizing deployments such as the “5G” cellular network, the Industrial Internet of Things, Tactile Internet or the Internet of Vehicles and Drones.

The program will presents courses related to the design and implementation of both innovative software-hardware distributed infrastructures, service-based distributed applications and new in-network processing architectures characterizing future networking infrastructures. The program includes courses related to the design and usage of both parallel and distributed systems as well.

Enrollment for foreign students

The Master Degree in Computer Science is held completely in English. Foreign students can find all the relevant information for enrolling in the following page:

  • Enrollment for foreign students (enrollment not available for a.y. 2025-26)
  • Student’s Guide


More info …       Study plan     Working placement     Course intro slides (2019)


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