List of Courses

Elenco corsi, a.a. 2012/2013

Code Code Year of course Type Credits Sem Titolo
314AA AlP 2 Complementary 6 1 Parallel and distributed algorithms
316AA ALG2 1 Fundamental 9 1 Advanced algorithms
317AA AV 2 Complementary 6 2 Virtual Environments
320AA AA1 2 Complementary 6 1 Machine Learning: fundamentals
321AA AA2 2 Complementary 6 2 Machine Learning: neural networks and advanced models
322AA BSD 2 Complementary 6 1 Decision Support Data Bases
Borrowed from:
324AA BD2 1 Fundamental 9 2 Advanced Data Base Systems
332AA DMA 2 Complementary 6 2 Data Mining: advanced topics and applications
Borrowed from:
    Data mining: advanced aspects and applications
335AA DMF 2 Complementary 6 1 Data Mining: foundations
Borrowed from:
    Data mining: foundations
337AA ELN 2 Complementary 6 2 Natural Language Processing
340AA ESI 2 Complementary 6 1 Signal and Image Processing
342AA FGT 2 Complementary 6 1 Introduction to 3D computer graphics
532AA HPC 2 Complementary 9 1 High performance computing
289AA IR 1 Complementary 6 1 Information Retrieval
290AA ISS 1 Complementary 9 1 Advanced software engineering
230EE IBI 2 Complementary 6 2 Introduction to Biology
254AA LBD 1 Complementary 6 2 Database laboratory
353AA LBI 2 Complementary 6 1 Business Intelligence laboratory
Borrowed from:
    Business Intelligence laboratory
363AA LMC 2 Complementary 6 2 Laboratory of computational mathematics
255AA LOG 1 Complementary 6 1 Introduction to logistics
293AA MFS 2 Complementary 6 2 Security methods and verification
371AA MNO 1 Fundamental 12 1-2 Numerical methods and optimization
295AA MPB 2 Complementary 6 1 Methods for the specification and verification of business processes
Borrowed from:
    Business processes modelling
373AA MVS 2 Complementary 6 2 Software verification methods
375AA MOD 1 Fundamental 9 2 Principles for software composition
534AA PAD 2 Complementary 6 1 Distributed enabling platforms
379AA PLP 1 Fundamental 12 1-2 Principle of Programming Languages
479AA PIV 2 Complementary 6 1 Interface design and usability evaluation
301AA PA 1 Fundamental 9 1 Advanced programming
384AA RMC 2 Complementary 6 2 Cellular Mobile Networks
386AA RHS 2 Complementary 6 2 Mobile ad hoc networks and wireless sensor networks
387AA ROB 2 Complementary 6 2 Robotics
388AA STT 2 Complementary 6 2 Semantics and Type theory
303AA SR 2 Complementary 9 2 ICT risk assessment
259AA SIM 1 Complementary 6 2 Simulation Modelling and Analysis
393AA SBC 2 Complementary 6 2 Knowledge based systems
305AA SPM 2 Fundamental 9 2 Parallel and Distributed Systems: paradigms and models
260AA SIT 1 Complementary 6 1 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
261AA P2P 1 Complementary 6 2 Peer to peer systems and blockchains
535AA SPD 2 Complementary 6 1 Programming tools for parallel and distributed systems
402AA TAS 2 Complementary 6 1 Static Analysis Techniques
403AA TDP 2 Complementary 6 2 Design patterns
404AA TSB 2 Complementary 6 2 Methods and Techniques for Computational Biology