List of courses

Elenco corsi, a.a. 2009/2010

Code Code Year of course Type Credits Sem Titolo
008AA AlL 1 Fundamental 12 2 Algorithmics and laboratory - Courses: (A, B)
005AA AM 1 Fundamental 9 1-2 Mathematical Analysis - Courses: (A, B)
267AA AE 2 Fundamental 9 1-2 Computer Architectures - Courses: (A, B)
269AA CPS 2 Fundamental 6 2 Probability theory and statistics
027AA CN 2 Fundamental 6 1 Numerical analysis - Courses: (A, B)
245AA CRI 3 Complementary 6 1 Introduction to criptography
003BB CMS 3 Seminar 6 1 Scientific method and culture
247AA ESP 3 Complementary 6 2 Programming experiences
002BB FIS 1 Fundamental 6 2 Physics - Courses: (A, B)
248AA GR 3 Complementary 6 2 Network management
253AA LAI 3 Complementary 6 2 Programming Internet Applications
254AA LBD 3 Complementary 6 2 Database laboratory
009AA LpP 1 Fundamental 6 1 Logic of Programs - Courses: (A, B)
255AA LOG 2 Complementary 6 1 Introduction to logistics
006AA MD 1 Fundamental 12 1-2 Discrete Mathematics - Courses: (A, B)
007AA PRL 1 Fundamental 12 1 Introduction to programming. - Courses: (A, B)
273AA Pr2 2 Fundamental 9 1-2 Computer programming - Courses: (A, B)
029AA RO 2 Fundamental 6 2 Mathematical programming - Courses: (A, B)
259AA SIM 3 Complementary 6 2 Simulation Modelling and Analysis
260AA SIT 3 Complementary 6 1 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
277AA SOL 2 Fundamental 12 1-2 Operating Systems and System Programming Practice - Courses: (A, B)
261AA P2P 2 Complementary 6 2 Peer to peer systems and blockchains
262AA TI 3 Complementary 6 1 Information theory